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Twin Lakes Wilderness Youth Campout

Twin Lakes

Event info
Date: July 22, 2022
Time: 8:00 am
Location: Twin Lakes
Hello everyone! Don’t miss out on our upcoming campout next month! Tell your friends and family. Email me ( ) with any questions or to express interest.
May be an image of 3 people, tree, outdoors and text that says 'Do you know any youth ages 17 or under who would be interested in a summer adventure? Tell them about Umpqua Watersheds' TwinLakes Youth Wilderness Campout JULY 22-24, 2022 summer weekend filled with scientifio activities and fun outdoor adventures! Ages 12-1 welcome unattended, at least one chaperone preferred for children ages 11 and under. Some extra tents and sleeping bags are available to borrow!'