County Commissioners issue proclamation in honor of Human Trafficking Prevention Month
Written by Press Release on January 13, 2022
Douglas County, Ore. – Douglas County Commissioner Tim Freeman, Commissioner Chris Boice and Commissioner Tom Kress issued a proclamation in honor of Human Trafficking Prevention Month during the Weekly Business Meeting on Wednesday, January 12, 2022. The proclamation was issued in order to bring about awareness that human trafficking is a modern form of slavery, and to support the efforts of local agencies who work tirelessly to provide prevention education; local trainings for first responders, law enforcement and medical students; victims assistance programs; legislative advocacy and help to address and facilitate the complex needs of local survivors.
Douglas County Commissioners encourage all citizens to know, recognize and understand the key indicators that could potentially save a life from human trafficking, and work together to protect those that are most vulnerable from being kidnapped and forced into this illegal trade.
Commissioner Chris Boice read the proclamation and then presented certificates of appreciation to members of the Douglas County Human Trafficking Task Force, including:
Marion Pearson, Coordinator, Douglas County Human Trafficking Task Force, Up2UsNow Child Abuse Prevention Coalition, Mercy Foundation
Sarah Wickersham, Director of Douglas CARES
Nicole Rodriguez. Director of Sexual Assault Services at Peace at Home
Juliana Marez, McKinney Vento Liaison for Roseburg School District
Grace Farenbaugh, President, Zonta Club of Roseburg
“Of all the proclamations that we present here during our Commissioner’s Meetings, this one has to be one of the most important. I cannot stress enough the importance of the message we are presenting here today. Human trafficking is a very real issue facing and affecting our citizens, especially our youth. I am extremely honored to thank and highlight the incredible work the representatives from our local task force are doing to combat this issue in our County. Thank you for all that you do!”, stated Commissioner Chris Boice.
The Douglas County Human Trafficking Task Force is made up of over 15 partners and is dedicated to educating our county on how trafficking occurs, the red flags and indicators, risk factors and resources for human trafficking.