County officials applaud week low case count with twenty-two more cases since Friday
Written by Patrick Schneider on December 19, 2020

Douglas County, Ore. – As of 12:00 pm Today, Saturday, December 19, 2020, there are twenty-two (22) people with new positive test results to report since our noon case update yesterday.
The total number of cases (people with positive test results and presumptive) in Douglas County is now at 1,280*. Currently, there are ten (10) Douglas County COVID-19 patients that are being hospitalized, nine locally, and one out-of-the-area.
“The good news today is that this week we recorded our lowest number of new cases (101) since the week ending November 7, 2020, when we reported 78 new cases. Kudos and Thank You to all our residents for helping us to achieve this goal. Keep up the good work and stay vigilant! We are well on our way to achieving the next bench mark (less than 200 cases per 100,000 residents), in order to move down a category in restrictions,” Saturday’s press release states.
Currently, DPHN is supporting 164 cases in isolation, as well as another 593 contacts in quarantine in Douglas County. Isolation is recommended for confirmed and presumptive cases, quarantine is recommended for contacts of confirmed or presumptive cases. Currently, staff is supporting an astounding 757 total contacts in isolation or quarantine.