Eighteen new cases, 1 new death
Written by Patrick Schneider on January 27, 2021

Douglas County, Ore. – Douglas County health officials report, as of 12:00 pm, Wednesday, January 27, 2021, there are eighteen people with new positive test results and one death to report since Tuesday’s noon case update.
The total number of cases (people with positive test results and presumptive) in Douglas County is now at 1,829. Currently, there are ten Douglas County COVID-19 patients that are being hospitalized, seven locally and three out-of-the-area.
Douglas County Public Health Officer, Dr. Robert Dannenhoffer, has confirmed the death of another Douglas County resident related to the COVID-19 virus. The forty-eighth death is a 70-year-old man who was diagnosed with COVID-19 on Saturday, January 9, 2021 and passed away on Tuesday, January 26, 2021. In the interest of privacy for the loved ones of this resident, no additional information will be released.
Currently, DPHN is supporting 152 cases in isolation, as well as another 434 contacts in quarantine in Douglas County. Isolation is recommended for confirmed and presumptive cases, quarantine is recommended for contacts of confirmed or presumptive cases. Currently, staff is supporting an astounding 586 total contacts and cases in isolation or quarantine.
South Umpqua School District, In a notice released Monday, January 25, 2021, South Umpqua School District Superintendent, Kate McLaughlin and Tri City Elementary School Principal Emily Veale, announced that they were notified by DPHN and Dr. Bob Dannenhoffer, Douglas County Public Health Officer, of a positive COVID-19 case at Tri City Elementary School in Myrtle Creek.