UCC students selected for 2023 All-Oregon Academic Team
Written by Press Release on April 20, 2023
Roseburg, Ore., Apr. 19, 2023 — Each year, the Oregon Community College Association nominates a limited number of students from community colleges across Oregon to participate in the All-Oregon Academic Team (AOAT) to highlight their outstanding academic achievements, leadership, and community service. Among the 52 selected students, three of UCC’s very own Phi Theta Kappa were chosen: Rachel Arceo of Eugene, Jalee Chandler of Roseburg, and Amy Murry of Winston.
Rachel Arceo is a first-generation American and first-generation college student looking to pursue a career in mental health and psychology. “Through my journey of coping and healing through lupus,” Rachel said, “I learned a lot about the body-mind connection which instilled in me a deep belief that a healthy body begins with a healthy mind. Achieving mental health became a passion of mine and one I plan to share with others through work as a therapist.”

Amy Murry is a Human Services major and first-generation college student who is studying to become a drug and alcohol counselor. “I have battled bipolar disorder, anxiety, PTSD, and drug addiction most of my life,” Amy said. “I want to become a drug and alcohol counselor to help others going through similar situations. With my history, I will be able to connect with those I am helping on a level that others may not be able to.”

Jalee Chandler is a dual credit high school student graduating in June where she will continue pursuing an EMT certificate and paramedicine degree. “One of the greatest things I have overcome in my own life has been fear,” she said. “If you allow fear or doubt to infiltrate, it will affect every part of your life. Perseverance and optimism were used during this time in my life, and I’ve decided to go for my dream of becoming a paramedic and not let fear or doubt make that choice for me.”

To honor and highlight their achievements, the selected students will attend the AOAT luncheon and ceremony held on April 21 at Chemeketa Community College’s Eola Event Center. Oregon Secretary of State, Shemia Fagan, will serve as the keynote speaker, along with three students including UCC’s Rachel Arceo, a senior reporter for the student newspaper.
Rachel was also awarded the prestigious Coca-Cola New Century Transfer Scholar title for becoming one of two students to achieve the highest scores of all USA academic team applications for Oregon.