Road and campground closures due to Jack Fire
Written by Patrick Schneider on July 8, 2021
Steamboat, Ore. – Due to the Jack Fire, some campgrounds and roads have been closed to the pubic.
Closure Area is described as an area starting at the confluence of the North Umpqua River and Rattlesnake Creek in T26S R2E Section I 3, then following Rattlesnake Creek to its northernmost headwaters in T25 l/2 S R2E Section 35, then Northwest to the intersection of Forest Service Road (FSR) 4760-105 and Forest Service Trail (FST) I 535, following FST I 535 Northeast to FSR 3810-360, following FSR 3810-360 Northeast to FSR 3810, following FSR 3810 Northeast to FSR 3850, following FSR 3850 North to FSR 3850-200, following FSR 3850-200 East to Bulldog Creek, following Bulldog Creek Northwest to Big Bend Creek, following Big Bend Creek Northeast to FSR 3818-030, following FSR 3818-030 West to FSR3818, following FSR 3818 Northeast to FSR 3818-100, following FSR 3818-100 North to Little Bend Creek, following Little Bend Creek Southwest to FSR 38, following FSR 38 North to FSR 3821, following FSR 3821 West to the Umpqua National Forest Boundary, following the Umpqua National Forest Boundary Southwest to Canton Creek Road
(Road 23), following the Eastern edge of Canton Creek Road South to Steamboat Road (Road 38), following the Northern edge of Steamboat Road Southwest to the North Umpqua River, following the North Umpqua River East back to the confluence of the North Umpqua River and Rattlesnake Creek in T26S R2E Section 13.

• Forest Service Road 4714, from Junction with Highway 138E to Junction with Forest Service Road 7414- 330
• Forest Service Road 4714-330, from Junction with Forest Service Road 4714 to Junction with Forest Service Road 7414-345
• Forest Service Road 4750, from Junction with Highway 138E to Junction with Forest Service Road 4750- 200
• Forest Service Road 4770, from Junction with Highway 138E to Junction with Forest Service Road 4770- 030
• North Umpqua Trail (FST 1414) from Steamboat Trailhead to Bolder Flat Campground
• Forest Service Trail I 552 from Rattlesnake Creek to Junction with FST 1491
• Eagle Rock Campground
• Boulder Flat Campground
North Umpqua River downstream from Boulder Flat to the confluence with Steamboat Creek