Twenty new positive cases, county begins receiving ‘fair and equitable’ allotment of vaccines
Written by Patrick Schneider on March 5, 2021
Douglas County, Ore. – Douglas County health officials report, as of 12:00 pm, Friday, March 5, 2021, there are twenty people with new positive test results and one new presumptive case to report since Thursday’s noon case update.
The total number of cases (people with positive test results and presumptive) in Douglas County is now at 2,581. Currently, there are fourteen Douglas County COVID-19 patients that are being hospitalized, ten locally and four out-of-the-area.
Currently, DPHN is supporting 185 cases in isolation, as well as another 580 contacts in quarantine in Douglas County. At the moment, there are 765 total contacts and cases in isolation or quarantine.
Douglas County has picked up the pace for vaccinations. This week, Douglas County Public Health received 1,500 prime doses of the Moderna vaccine and 2,340 prime doses of Pfizer vaccine. The county was also able to obtain 1,200 doses of the new single shot Johnson and Johnson vaccine. This week the county received a total of 5,040 prime doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. According to Dr. Bob Dannenhoffer, Douglas County Public Health Officer, this will likely be our “high water” mark for quite a while. All of the recent shipment of vaccines have been deployed to local approved vaccinators throughout the county. “As we mentioned before, we are finally seeing a fair and equitable allotment of COVID vaccines from the State of Oregon and we are hopeful that the distribution levels will continue,” Friday’s press statement from the County states.
It is also important to understand that in addition to the first dose vaccines received from the State of Oregon on a weekly basis, the county also received an allocation of second doses of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, which are paired with the first doses, and are not counted in the overall total vaccines received. Vaccine numbers do NOT include other vaccination sites like the Roseburg VA, Mercy Medical Center, EMS, Cow Creek Tribe, Pharmacies and local care facilities that have received their vaccines directly from the Federal and State Government or their partners.